Crossword clues for loose change
loose change
n. 1 coin of little value kept in one's pocket or bag. 2 (context idiomatic English) A sum of money considered small or insignificant.
Loose Change is a series of films released between 2005 and 2009 which argue in favor of certain conspiracy theories relating to the September 11th attacks. The films were written and directed by Dylan Avery and produced by Korey Rowe, Jason Bermas and Matthew Brown.
The original 2005 film was edited and re-released as Loose Change: 2nd Edition (2006), and then subsequently edited a third time for the 2nd Edition Recut (2007). Loose Change: Final Cut, deemed "the third and final release of this documentary series" was released on DVD and Web-streaming format on November 11, 2007.
Another version of the film, Loose Change 9/11: An American Coup, released on September 22, 2009, is narrated by Daniel Sunjata and distributed by Microcinema International.
Coverage of the film increased in 2006 with the recut release having airings on U.S. and European television stations and over 4 million views online in four months, leading Vanity Fair to say it could be the first internet blockbuster. Loose Change asserts that the usual account of the Pentagon attack, World Trade Center collapse and United 93 phone calls and crash is implausible and instead suggests the 9/11 attacks were a false flag operation. The film's main claims have been debated by journalists, independent researchers, and prominent members of the scientific and engineering community.
Loose Change ( Doubleday: Garden City) is a non-fiction biography from 1977 by the American author Sara Davidson. The book follows the changing fortunes, lives, friendships, attitudes and characters of three women, beginning with their meeting as freshmen at the University of California, Berkeley in the 1960s. Sara (Davidson), Susie, and Tasha experience the radical changes that went through American culture in that era, observing or being involved in student protests, drug use, the Civil Rights Movement, the 1968 Chicago Democratic Convention, communes, free sex, and the popular music of the times. Over the course of the book, they become closer and then diverge in their viewpoints and propinquity.
Loose Change is a series of films about the September 11, 2001, attacks.
Loose change or Loose Change also may refer to:
Usage examples of "loose change".
On top of the chest was one of those brass and walnut caddies, where Rudd apparently kept his watch, keys, loose change.
Chase watched him carefully count out the money to pay for his meal and noticed only loose change was returned to his pocket.
When I moved the couch and chair to clean under them, I found dose to a crown and a half in loose change, so I even turned a profit on the deal.
She dropped her purse, scattering lipsticks, loose change, a small department store's worth of cosmetics, two mirrors, a handful of foil-wrapped condoms, a bottle of aspirin, a neat little pearl-handled derringer, and three boxes of Tic Tacs.
So they taken the key off'n him, and all the loose change and plug tobaccer out of his pockets too, and opened the door, and I ast: “.
Ignacio picked up the loose change, then kicked aside the wallet, which Rafe quickly pocketed.
Magicians, acrobats, and charlatans vied for loose change alongside book stalls touting religious tomes and honor plays.
If you have any loose change in your pocket, put it on the floor and I'll give you a demonstration.
The outlaw's hand shook as he pawed in a pocket of his Levis and drew out a handful of loose change, which he spilled on the floor at Tommy's feet.
The Swiss army knife, wallet and loose change joined the camera on the freezer.
When I moved the couch and chair to clean under them, I found close to a crown and a half in loose change, so I even turned a profit on the deal.